Numerical optimization of mechanical structures and processes  

Learning Outcomes The implementation of numerical optimization in mechanical, manufacturing and process systems. Major emphasis is given in the optimization problem formulation using a single or multiple criteria using gradient based methods and non-gradient probabilistic methods. General Competences Apply knowledge in practice Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies Adapt to new situations Make decisions Work autonomously Work in teams Work in an interdisciplinary team Generate new research ideas Appreciate diversity and multiculturality Demonstrate social, professional and ethical commitment and sensitivity to gender issues Be critical and self-critical Advance free, creative and causative thinking Course Content (Syllabus) Optimization problem formulation Decision hierarchy, selection of criteria, decision variables (continuous, discrete), mathematical model formulation, constraints, parameters Applications (1st Assignment): Manufacturing: Mechanical system model development Energy: Thermal process model development. Industrial management: Supply chain modellig. Numerical Optimization (gradient-based) Unconstrained and Constrained problems Linear and non-linear programming Linear and non-linear integer programming Solution of optimality conditions, Optimal solution sensitivity Applications (2nd Assignment) – Continuous decision variables (3rd Assignment) – Continuous and discrete decision variables Manufacturing: Mechanical system optimization. Energy: Heat exchanger network optimization. Industrial management: Supply chain optimization. Optimization using probabilistic methods (non-gradient methods) Simulated annealing, genetic algorithms. Applications (4th Assignment) – Implementation of probabilistic optimization methods Manufacturing: Mechanical system optimization. Energy: Heat exchanger network optimization. Industrial management: Supply chain optimization. Multi-objective optimization Pareto front. Numerical optimization of multi-objective optimization problems. Applications (5th Assignment) – Implementation of multi-objective optimization methods Manufacturing: Mechanical system optimization. Energy: Heat exchanger network optimization. Industrial management: Supply chain optimization. Optimization under uncertainty Uncertainty characterization – Problem formulation and solution Applications (6th Assignment) – Implementation of optimization methods under uncertainty. Manufacturing: Mechanical system optimization. Energy: Heat exchanger network optimization. Industrial management: Supply chain optimization. Optimization of dynamic problems Time discretization. Decision vector parameterization. Numerical solution (direct methods, sequential method, multiple shooting) Applications (4th Assignment) – Implementation of dynamic optimization methods. Manufacturing: Mechanical system optimization. Energy: Heat exchanger network optimization. Industrial management: Supply chain optimization.
Numerical optimization of mechanical structures and processes

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